Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, not Monday is worst day of the week
By siliconindia news bureau

Bangalore: Wednesday has turned out to be the most miserable day of the week, according to the research done by two American mathematicians Christopher Danforth and Peter Dodds of Vermont University.

In an attempt to bring the accurate result, the pair studied 2.4 million blogs written during the past four years and awarded each a score on a scale of one to nine based on use of words that bear meaningful emotional content. So 'triumphant', 'paradise' and 'love' all scored high, and 'trauma', 'funeral' and 'suicide' were at the opposite end of the scale. Abstract words such as 'pancakes' and 'street' scored above average.

These two mathematicians claimed that Monday was always assumed to be the most miserable day, but as it turned out, Wednesday is the worst day of the week. Saturday and Sunday rated predictably well but, most shockingly, Monday came out as the second happiest day of the week, partly because people were still reminiscing about the weekend. However by Wednesday, these feelings subsided.

More than 10 million sentences were trawled through looking for those beginning with 'I feel' or 'I am feeling' and the results, which appear in the journal of happiness studies, showed that Barack Obama's election on November 4, 2008 was the happiest day in four years, with a sharp increase in the word 'proud'. Michael Jackson's death last month was one of the unhappiest days.

The happiest people are those aged between 45 and 60 while children are the grumpiest. The research of Danforth and Dodds ignored context completely, so songs such as Ryan Adam's 'Love is Hell' got a middle-of-the-road score of 5.5, averaging 8.7 (love) and 2.2 (hell). Professor Danforth said "What we were attempting to do is measure collective happiness on a much larger scale, similar to measuring the temperature outside. The energy of a few molecules bouncing around doesn't give a good indication of heat, you need billion or more. I'd be more comfortable with the measure we come up for the entire body of Adam's work, or all of pop music (6.7)."

Besides, these two mathematicians, most of the tweets also think in the same manner. According to you, which is the most miserable day of the week?

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