Wednesday, July 11, 2012

From Meera Adam
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Complete the reading of the Qur’an every month"
[Aboo Daawood, The Book Of Prayer, Hadeeth 1389]

The easist Method to complete reading Qur'an every month: ➲
Go approx. 10 to 15 minutes early to the Masjid for the obligatory prayer ➲ OR
Stay approx. 10 to 15 min minutes after leave from the Masjid for the obligatory prayer ➲
Read 4 pages (before the prayer) (if late, read after the prayer).
During the day, it would amount to 20 pages (a complete Juz’).➲

You can complete the Qur’an every month easily.
Qur’an leads people out...

Please don't read Quran without understanding, Until learn Arabic fully, read transalte Quran with Arabic.
It will take time, better you can finish half of the Quran per month because of you read translation also.
You can complete the Qur’an every month easily.
You can complete Quran atleast minimum yearly twice.
You can complete Quran easily in the month of Ramadhan.

How to approach Quran:
1. Read Quran with Tajweed (pronounce correctly)
2. Don't read fast, Don't read without understand (No use)
3. Memorize Quran simultaneously
4. whenever read the Quran, Answer to the Quran immediately,
after read Quran verses reply immediately,
for example. regarding hell fire ayath, asking dua to Allah, secure from hell fire, that
5. Read some versus repeat, because important of ayath
6. Read some versus stop, because think about that ayath
7. After read the Quran, implement our daily life immediately and call the people for good things.
8. Read the Quran beautifully, slowly, nicely, stop-stoply, clearly, understandably, thinkably, ...
9. whenever read Quran, remember, Quran calling and talking with me, then read quran versus by versus

AIM: our ultimate aim of complete the Quran is understand and implement,
Don't hurry to complete the Quran fast. Don't read Quran fast without understanding.
Pls ask your masjidh imam for THARAVIAH PRAYER read Quran slowly in the salaah.

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