Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Ihope that you are in increasing state of Eemaan and goodhealth, inshaAllah

Nowyou can attend the LIVE! streaming of Dr. BilalPhilip’s lectures from Abu HurairaCenter(

First every Friday is the live streaming ofthe class on the commentary (Tafseer) on “The Greatest Verse of theQur’aan—Aayatul Kursee 2:255) from 7:30-9PM (1930-2100 hrs) Toronto, Canada time.

Then on Sunday evenings is the live streamingof a DOUBLE CLASS on da’wah. It is a commentary onShaykh Al-Uthaymeen’s Da’wah classic: “The IslamicAwakening”. It is from 6-9 PM (1800-2100 hrs)Toronto, Canada time.

Finally, on Wednesday evenings is the livestreaming of a DOUBLE CLASS on the morals and manners forlearning knowledge in Islam—a commentary on ShaykhUthaymeen’s commentary on Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd’sStudent Classic: “The Etiquette of SeekingKnowledge”. This is from 6-9 PM (1800-2100 hrs)Toronto, Canada time.

JoinDr. Bilal as he explains about these important topics andenhance your knowledge.

Kindly forward this email so more people canbenefit inshaAllah

Jazakumullah khair

Wassalam o aliakum

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