Saturday, May 26, 2012

1. Tile Cleaner - deodorized Kerosene...
1. Tile Cleaner - deodorized Kerosene.
2. Ant Killer - Trichlorethelene.
3. Carbon Remover - Kerosene.
4. Spot Remover - Carbon tetrachloride.
5. Battery Anti-Corrode - Vaseline.
6. Rug Cleaner - Tri-Sodium phosphate.
7. Paint Brush Cleaner - Ammonia.
8. Fire Extinguisher - Carbon tetrachloride.
9. Label Cement - Egg White.
10. False Teeth Stickem - Agar Agar.
11. Window Cleaner - Tinted Carbon Tetrachloride.
12. Iron Casting Crack Filler - Molten sulphur.
13. Cockroach Exterminator - Borax.
14. Furniture Polish - Liquid paraffin.
15. Mirror Polish - Vinegar.
16. To Make Liquor Taste Smooth - tablespoon of Glycerin to quart.
17. Painted Surface Cleaner - Tri sodium phosphate.
18. Linoleum Preserver - Linseed oil.
19. Foot powder - Starch.
20. Sunburn Lotion - Peanut oil.
21. Hand Cleaning Powder - Borax.
22. Anti-Perspiration Lotion - Alum in water.
23. Brake Fluid - Caster Oil.
24. Radiator Cleaner - Tri sodium phosphate.
25. Hinge Lubricant - Graphite.
26. Nail Bleach - Hydrogen peroxide.
27. Silk Stocking Preserver - 1 oz. Alum in 1 quart water.
28. Toilet Deodorant - Formalin (38%) in water.
29. Gasoline Additive - Napthalene crystals, 1 oz. to 5 gallons.
30. Type cleaner - Carbon tetrachloride.
31. Tree Wound Dressing - Lanolin.
32. Bermuda Grass Killer - Carbon Bisulphide.
33. Solution to keep flies from screens - Rub screen with kerosene.
34. Ground Mole Control Powder - Black pepper, placed liberally in runs.
35. Moth Control Powder - Napthalene crystals.
36. Invisible Ink - Lemon juice, heat paper over stove to show writing.
37. Tooth Powder - Bicarbonate of soda.
38. Carbon Remover - Hydrogen peroxide, run engine fast, add slowly.
39. Frosted Window Paint - Super saturated solution of Epsom salts.
40. Crack Filler - Molding plaster in water.
41. Bronze Finish for Copper - Immerse in hot solution copper nitrate.
42. Windshield Anti-Fog - Glycerin. 43. Dishwashing Detergent - Tri sodium phosphate.
44. Silverware cleaner - paste of Bicarbonate of soda and water.
45. Brass Cleaner - 1 oz. Roche alum to 1 pt. Water; article to be warm.
46. Zinc Cleaner - Kerosene.
47. Tool Rustproof Solution - Coat of boiled linseed oil allowed to dry.
48. Old Putty Softener-Remover - Caustic soda solution; apply, set 1 hour.
49. Filing Lubricant - Chalk on file will make it file a smoother finish.
50. Gasoline Joint Sealer - Rosin soap applied in/around joint.
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