Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Be your own Doctor
Sage the owl of great wisdom will tell you what to do if the chemist is closed and your doctor is unavailable. Try these simple home remedies for effective relief...
Burns and scalds

In your rush to stop the roast potatoes burning or the gravy boiling over, you burn yourself, act quickly. *Hold the affected area under cold running water for 10 to 15 minutes to reduce the temperature, to prevent the formation of blisters and to minimize the amount of damage to the skin. *Next, take off any clothing that has been soaked with hot liquid - but do not attempt to remove any item that has become stuck to the burn as this will only damage the skin further. *Remove any jewellery that you are wearing on the area you have scalded as the burn may make the injured area swell, particularly if it's on the hands or fingers. Any jewellery may have to be cut off later. *Use a clean bandage, handkerchief or other non-fluffy material to cover the area you've burned. This will ease the pain, prevent infection setting in and stop any more damage occurring.
Car Sickness

Car journey are an inevitable if you have to travel to visit your relatives. If you've run out of travel-sickness tablets and are convinced your kids will be sick without them, offer them a peppermint sweet, or persuade them to chew a piece of peeled fresh root ginger before leaving. Both are old remedies for nausea and in clinical trials, ginger has proved more effective than many over-the-counter drugs.
Colds and Flu

If you're a sucker for cold-remedy drinks and can't get your supplies when your coming down with something, make your own hot-water drink with fresh lemon juice and honey. Keep tea and coffee to a minimum, but drink plenty of water to replenish lost fluids, and try to eat something light to help rebuild your strength.

Although over- the- counter remedies exist for cystitis, these are a relatively recent invention, and it's easy to make your own at home with water and a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda to every pint. You should aim to drink several pints every hour from the moment the symptoms start.

Cut out solid food, milk, coffee, tea and concentrated fruit juices for 24hours. Make your own rehydration drinks to replace lost fluids. The correct recipe is: One pint or half litre of boiled water mixed with half a 5ml teaspoon (or two pinches) of salt and four 5ml teaspoons (or one handful) of sugar. You may flavour it with squash. Drink as much as you want. Once the solution is made up (and the same goes for the packet varieties, eg Dioralyte) keep it in the fridge and use within 24hours. If a baby or toddler has diarrhea for more than 12hours or is showing other signs of illness, call your immediately.

If you're out of paracetamol and you or one of the family has a fever to bring it down, try the following before resorting to calling the doctor. *Sponge patient with tepid water, briskly wiping each area of the body sponged. This will cool the body while also increasing circulation. *Make up an apple water drink in order to bring down the fever further. Slice three washed but unpeeled apples and simmer them in a little water until they're soft. Strain the water and add a washed piece of lemon, which will improve the flavour. Serve the drink cold. *High temperatures in children are often caused by colds and infections. Before panicking, use your gut feeling to assess whether your child is her normal self or not. A high temperature when it is combined with floppiness, lack of interest in food or drink, an unusual cry or sensitivity to light are reasons to call the doctor.


Unfortunately it's difficult to eat, drink and be merry without suffering the consequences. If you end up with a hangover, recovery is aided by time and these actions. Don't be tempted to sleep too long - you'll make your headache worse. *Have plenty to drink, for example tea, to combat dehydration. *Consume a sugary snack or drink to give your blood-sugar level a boost. *Cook yourself breakfast. You become hypoglycemic after drinking heavily and eating a cooked meal will satisfy your energy needs and raise your blood-sugar level. Eggs are ideal because they are high in protein and deliver energy throughout the day. *Eat some fresh fruit for vitamin C
*Take a brisk walk-being outside will take your mind off the way you 're feeling, and also help to blow away a headache.
Avoid driving while you've got a hangover. You could still be over the limit.
Heartburn and Indigestion

The rules for preventing heartburn and indigestion - avoiding very rich foods, eating small meals instead of one large one - are almost impossible to stick to when attending any celebrations. Garlic as an ingredient in vegetables will help prevent indigestion as it stimulates the body's digestive enzymes and relieves problems such as gas and heartburn. If you're still suffering, make a tea with 1 tbsp cloves to 1pt boiling water (strain before drinking); or mix 1 tbsp each of apple cider vinegar and honey in cold water and drink.


Don't lose sleep over the prospect of family rows or an under / overcooked meal. On the night before, have a hot drink with a banana snack, then a hot bath, which will aid sleepiness. Go to bed at your normal time.

Nappy Rash

Providing the house is warm enough and your baby doesn't have a cold, add a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda to her bath water and let her play in it until the water is almost cold.


If your sinuses are blocked, the best way to ease your breathing is to make a steam inhalation. Pour boiling water into a bowl and, for a few minutes, hold your face over the steam with a towel over your head and the bowl to keep the steam concentrated. Use one of the following in the water: two crushed cloves of garlic or a few menthol crystals.


If you've bitten too hard on a brazil nut or a 20p in grannies Christmas pudding and your out of painkillers, try one of the following remedies to ease your pain. *Place a whole peeled clove of garlic directly on the aching tooth and keep it there for an hour. *Rub a few grains of cayenne pepper into the gum around the tooth. *Chew on some cloves dipped in honey.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.
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