Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Hindu eager to drag Al-Qaeda to India
Praveen Swami is eager to drag Al-Qaeda to India. Beware, this IB steno is back in town, so is our doubt about The Hindu’s credibility.
By Zafarul-Islam Khan, The Milli Gazette
Published Online: Jun 28, 2011
Print Issue: 1-15 July 2011

The Hindu of Chennai has largely remained a sober publication having nuanced editorial line and sensible reporting and stand on issues. It has also avoided the pornographic pit into which most other publications have fallen in Rupert Murdoch era. But during the last few years, it allowed a blot to besmirch its image by swallowing fabrications vomited by its fake ‘terrorism expert’, Praveen Swami.

This chap was a sober investigative journo until he spent some time in United States Institute of Peace in Washington, in 2004-2005 and came back fully converted to the American weltanschauung and started making his tuppence contribution to America’s Islamophobic crusade which was conveniently lapped up by Hindutva warriors at home and made state policy thanks to BJP’s rule at the Centre. A senior Hindu journo told me some three years back that Swami is tolerated by The Hindu because of his close links with Intelligence Bureau which enables him to get scoops… In other words, Swami was passing off IB manufactured stuff as serious news. Any self-respecting paper would reject to be used by security and intelligence agencies in this manner and would sack such a hack right away but for N. Ram, Swami was a valuable asset… Years ago we at MG got an offer through an intermediary from the Army in Kashmir to print “good news” supplied by them for which they would pay us Rs. 40,000 per month! A very good proposition for a struggling publication but it did not take me a minute to reject it then and there… Read full report here.

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