The Holy Quran says: What you have concealed we shall again reveal.
This is a reference to the Pure Knowledge that had been sent to all nations. The Jews in particular are charged with knowingly corrupting and/or disregarding that knowledge for self-gain - the widespread acceptance and application of usuary for example.
This and numerous other examples fuel the many clashes we see daily.
Why this is breeds hate is another matter entirely. Hate is a personal thing. It results from percieved personal injury, be it to self or a loved one.
Who feels that they personally have the right to take up arms to defend God from a slight? Who among us has God appointed?
Ishmael, "God hears", is the name given to a son born to Abraham's handmaiden. In his impatience to produce a nation in his advanced years, being impatient with God, Abraham created this lad with his personal servant.
By Israeli law Ishmael was the firstborn, but was overlooked. An accident. A mistake. A misjudgement by father Abraham.
So this "red-headed step-child" became a father of a great nation of people, too many to number, as blessed by his father Abraham.
The lost recognition and back-handed blessing has continued to boil for 4,000 years, from Ishmael's birth in B.C. 1908.
Why are Jews, the last known of the scattered tribes of Israel, fighting with Arabs, the sons of Ishmael?
It's all about their relationship with God and ancient jealousies.
Only God knows the outcome, but we have the book of Revelation for a reference.
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