HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE SEERAH OF OUR BELOVED Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)? |
| BIRTH | DEMISE | PLACE | Makkah Mukarramah | Home of Aaishah (radhiallahu anha) In Madinah Munawwarrah | TIME | Subuh Saadiq ( Dawn ) | Between Chast and Zawaal | DAY | Monday | Monday | DATE | 8th or 12th | 12th | MONTH | Rabi-ul-Awwal - April | Rabi-ul-Awwal | YEAR | 570 C.E. | 10 A.H. | AGE AT NABUWWAT | 40 | 63 | DATE OF NABUWWAT | 17 Ramadaan | COMPANION DURING HIJRAT | ABU BAKR (radhiallahu anhu) | | THE 7 CHILDREN OF RASULULLAH (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)? Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had: | THREE SONS | 1. CAASIM (radhiallahu anhu), 2. ABDULLAH (radhiallahu anhu), 3. IBRAHIM (radhiallahu anhu) | FOUR DAUGHTERS | 1. ZAINUB (radhiallahu anha), 2. RUQAIYAH (radhiallahu anha), 3. UMME KULTHOOM (radhiallahu anha), 4. FAATIMAH (radhiallahu anha) | | THE 11 WIVES OF OUR NABI (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)? UMMUHAATUL MUMINEEN (THE MOTHERS OF THE UMMAT) | 1. KHADIJAH (radhiallahu anha) 2. SA UDAH (radhiallahu anha) 3. AAISHAH (radhiallahu anha) 4. HAF SA H (radhiallahu anha) 5. ZAINUB BINT KHUZAMA (radhiallahu anha) 6. UMME SA LMAH (radhiallahu anha) 7. ZAINUB BINT JAHSH (radhiallahu anha) 8. JUWAIRIYA (radhiallahu anha) 9. UMME HABIBA (radhiallahu anha) 10. SA FIYAH (radhiallahu anha) 11. MAYMOONAH (radhiallahu anha) | | 6 MIRACLES OF NABI (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) | 1. The greatest miracle given to Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was the Quraan-e-Kareem. It was a challenge to the Arabs of that time who prided themselves excessively in their grammatical eloquence. It will, remain until the Day of Qiyaamat. None would be able to construct , words of such excellence equal to even one aayat to the Holy Quraan. 2. On the occasion of the treaty of Hudaibiya, the Sahaba (radhiallahu anhum) were in the desert area and there was only one bowl of water available which was put in front of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) from which he had made wudhu. Thus only little water remained. The Sahaba (radhiallahu anhu) informed Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) regarding the shortage of water for both drinking and wudhu. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) put his mubaarak hands into the bowl of water and from the fingers Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) water began to gush out like a spring. From that water 1,500 Sahaba (radhiallahu anhu) drank and made wudhu. 3. Once a villager remarked "How can we have Yaqeen and conviction in your Nubuwwat (Prophethood)?" Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) replied, "From this date tree I would call forth this branch and it would come forth giving the shahaadat, testifying to my Prophethood." Thus it happened that the branch came and Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) told it to return. 4. The moon was split in two by Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) with the sign of his finger.
5. In a very short time of the night Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) took the journey from Makkah to Baitul Makdis , and from there to all the skies, and then returned. 6. The Mubaarak perspiration of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was full of fragrance.
The Ulema have recorded up to 3000 miracles performed by Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). |
Ya Allah:
Most Merciful
Most Generous
Most Gracious
Lord of the worlds
Master of the day of judgment.
Ya Allah:
Shower Thy choicest Blessings and Peace on our beloved Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH), and his companions and family ( R.A.)
Ya Allah:
I start by thanking Thee for all that Thou hast given me and my family
and friends.
For You are indeed Most Generous.
Ya Allah:
Please continue to shower us with Thy Mercy and Blessings.
Ya Allah:
I ask that Thou grant and fulfil the wants, wishes and desires of all
who send and receive this Du'a , their families and friends wants, wishes
and desires.
Ya Allah: You are All Knowing and therefore know what we desire, want
and wish for. Therefore, make all our needs and desires of that which
Thee has permitted and hast made Halaal for us.
Ya Allah:
I also ask for Your protection for myself, my family, my friends and
all those who send and receive this Du'a , from all forms of evil and
calamities as well as Your protection to safeguard us all from
punishment of the Kabr and safeguard and protect us from the punishment of Jahannam.
Ya Allah:
Always guide us on the right path, and have mercy on us for the sins we
have committed - knowingly and un-knowingly and may commit in the
future; for we are indeed weak.
Ya Allah:
Accept from us all those actions that will bring us closer to Thee.
Accept our Salaah.
Accept our Zakaah.
Accept our Fasting (Saum).
Accept our Pilgrimage (Hajj).
Accept our Tasbigh.
Accept our Tilawat of Quran.
Accept our Du'as .
Accept our intention and help us convert those intentions into action
and deeds; for surely intention alone is not enough.
Ya Allah:
You are our Creator and the Creator of all things, You are the only One
who can help us in what we seek and desire.
Insha-Allah please accept and grant this Du'a as well as the other
Du'as we make to You. Ameen.
Ya Allah:
Forgive us
Have Mercy upon us
Guide us
Protect us
Grant us the good of this world (Dunya) and of the
hereafter (Akhirat)
Let us live a life of Piety
Broaden our sustenance
Let us not ever be in wanton of anyone but Thee
Make our income (Rozi) halaal
Grant us Peace
Fill us with Thy Noor
Give us a noble ending
Save us from the punishment of the grave
Make the fire of Jahannam (Hell) haraam for us
Allow us the intercession of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) on the day of reckoning (Ki-yamat)
Allow us to enter each gate of Jannah (Heaven).
Ya Allah:
This we ask of Thee. We are your servants. Please hear our plea.
Abdul Karim Chisthi
MD Cptr Sect., Almech Enterprise,
c 15 Industrial Estate, Coimbatore- 641021,, mobile: 9944497786.
All my Articles Available At
http://karim74.blogspot.comAssalaamu Alaickum
Sent from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
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