Written by Cliffside Malibu
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Eating Disorders
Many people are not certain if they have an eating disorder. This is likely because they do not know a lot about Eating Disorders. Eating disorders can be many things but they are always extreme. They are obvious disturbances in eating behaviors that are marked by extreme overeating (Binge eating disorder and purging) also known as Bulimia or an extreme lack of food intake to the point of starvation which is known as Anorexia. There is usually always an extreme concern surrounding the body, how much you weight and what shape you are. It is a compulsion that is thought about constantly. Does this sound like you? Do you starve yourself because when you look in the mirror you see a horrible fat person? Does the thought of eating something make you panic to where you get physically ill? Do you binge excessively and are you out of control? Do you eat everything in sight until you cannot eat any more only to vomit afterwards? Do you ever chew the food just so you can taste it but never ever swallow it? Do you hide any of these things from friends and family? These are some of the indicators that you likely have an eating disorder.
The understanding of this disease remains elusive and scientific research finds this disease very complex, at the least. Besides anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, a third type of eating disorder has been specified, EDNOS, which stands for "eating disorders not otherwise specified. These are often combination food disorders or can include variations.
What Causes Eating Disorders
It is thought that most eating disorders surface during adolescence but more recent data has indicated that it could be much earlier or later. One important fact About Eating Disorders is that almost all cases are females with males accounting for well under 10%. Similar to addiction, eating disorders are also a disease but they are treatable. They are caused from very complicated psychological and biological underlying causes.
Eating disorders are normally not a stand alone disease meaning that it is usually accompanied by another mental disorder such as substance abuse, depression, or anxiety and panic disorders. People who suffer from eating disorders are a great risk for developing other serious medical disorders and health complications, especially heart disease or kidney failure. Very often, if left untreated, eating disorders will result in death.
A Cure for Eating Disorders
Unfortunately, there is no known particular cure for eating disorders. It is treated quite often with medication but the best weapon against eating disorders is in psychological counseling. With eating disorders, each case is on an individual basis and must be addressed as such. Some might require hospitalization because you are malnourished, some require medication, and others counseling, it is impossible to list all of the possible treatments, like Anorexia treatment, as each one is uniquely tailored. As mentioned, no one really knows what exactly causes eating disorders but it is understood that abnormal brain activity is involved.
There are many factors that can pave the way for you to perhaps begin extreme dieting that leads into very dangerous eating disorders. We do know that these eating disorders are really not about food but lie much deeper. While you are pursuing being very thin or seeking the comfort of food, you are desperately seeking something else, maybe approval or acceptance. Asking for help is also very hard to do but getting the right help is the only thing that will save your life. There are resources available that will help you. Call Cliffside Malibu today at 1-800-501-1988.
Eating Disorder Treatment
Your eating disorder is just a channel in which you use to vent. You use your eating disorder as a coping mechanism. It is very difficult for people to admit that they have an eating disorder. It is very important that you understand right now that you are NOT alone! There is help available at an eating disorder clinic so that you do not have to live this way anymore. Good treatment for eating disorders usually will consist of several treatment options rather than just one in particular. Often an intervention can be designed if you are unwilling to seek help on your own and then it is recommended that you enter long term in patient residential care so that you can learn nutritional and other ways to manage your illness.
If you'd like more information on this topic, please call 1-800-501-1988, or visit our website at www.cliffsidemalibu.com.
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Copyright 2009 Cliffside Malibu
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